Tag design

Meet Andrew Cullen – Product Designer at InVision App

Hard work and passion can get you a long way in our industry. We’re very fortunate that as long as you have a computer and an internet connection then you have the opportunity to do something great. Take every opportunity you get to improve yourself and learn new skills.

– via sketchappsources.com

User Experience: definitions and features

True user experience goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features. In order to achieve high-quality user experience in a company’s offerings there must be a seamless merging of the services of multiple disciplines, including engineering, marketing, graphical and industrial design, and interface design.

– via tubikstudio.com

A man, a company, and the most ambitious consumer-electronics device

“I think the new camera can have an impact on the way people live. I hope it can become a natural part of people. It can make a person pause in his rush through life. It will help him to focus himself on some aspect of life, and in the process, enrich his life at that moment. This happens as you focus through the view finder. It’s not merely the camera you are focusing; you are focusing yourself. That’s an integration of your personality, right that second. Then when you touch the button, what’s inside you comes out. It’s the most basic form of creativity. Part of you is now permanent” – Edwin Land

– via technologizer.com

History of Icons

A visual brief on icon history
Through different graphical user interfaces
In different operating system

– via iosdevweekly.com

Spatial Interfaces

I believe the best software is an extension of the human brain. It lets us think naturally, and conforms to us, not the other way around. Translation of information should be the computer’s job, not ours. It’s what we built these digital slaves for. A great Spatial Interface meets our expectations of a physical model. Designed for human beings, it supports a mind, living in the dimensions of space and time. They are Interfaces that are sensible about where things lay. Like a well designed building, they’re easy to traverse through. One space flows into the other, without surprise.

– via iosdevweekly.com